TFTL Notes

The purpose, the new driver for any organization

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Publish date : May 2020

Written by : Sebastien BAERT

In his last contribution, Daniel Goleman argues that in the post-coronavirus world what may matter most could “point to the sense of purpose.” Research from the #kornferry institute shows a strong correlation between an employees’ sense of #purpose and the depth of their #engagement.
Similarly, #‘inspireengagement’ was recently cited as one of the nine critical capabilities that will determine a leader’s success.
– Those leaders articulate a clear, #overarchingpurpose for their organizations and teams;
– they make it clear how the company contributes to the #socialgood and addresses #pressingissues of the time;
– they show employees how their work contributes to a #largermission; and they #empowerpeople to solve problems, make suggestions and implement their own ideas.

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The purpose, the new driver for any organization - May 2020 - article réalisé par Sebastien BAERT

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